Sunday, November 22, 2009

Magazine Advert Development

After having looked at several examples of magazine advert (Mika and BWO) we got a good idea of what such an advert should look like. Taking ideas from both we came up with a good layout for the advert. However this then led to us discussing issues such as the images that we would use to compliment the artists and their genre. This then led to the overall layout of the advert; positioning of the text, type of font that we would use, what kind of typefaces suit the advert and the artist, and of course; what kind of images do we use.

The advert and the CD-cover should be connected so that the products have consistancy so that a viewer can see that they are related. This can be by using the same images, or the same font and typefaces. That means that after seeing the advert you should be able to recognise the CD and the artist. If you are not able to recognise it after seeing the advert there is no point in advertising a product.

First we took several pictures of Alicia's hand, after doing this we picked the best photo and we used Photoshop to create the desired image.

'Print Screen of image'

At the same time we started developing the CD-Cover, unfortunately after a while we found out that if you folded the CD-cover together the whole outside of the CD did not connect as there was a hand on one side and nothing on the other side. This forced us to take new pictures but this time of the whole arm+hand.

'Image that shows that the outside of the CD did not 'connect''

'Picture of Alicia's Arm+Hand'

Unlike the CD-cover, we wanted the advert to be as minimalist as possible. This would mean that a viewers eyes wouldn't be distracted and would be focused on the product, the CD itself. We did decide to use the same techniques that we were going to use for the CD-Cover, but we wanted the advert to mainly have it's own colours as we wanted the CD-cover (with all it's colours) to hover above the hand. Having normal and plain colours for the advert won't draw the attention away to the arm and hand, but to the colourful CD-Cover, which we are selling. So in other words: that combination was perfect.

Besides the techniques that we used in Illustrator and Photoshop to create the desired image (such as Posterisation and Gradient Map, which will be further explained in CD-Cover Development), we also used the same typefaces. Again, this is another link between the advert and CD, which makes it easier for the audience to recognise both the advert and/or CD.

We made the background in this image black and white, and then used the posterize function, this is mainly recognisable in the shadow (different coloured lines). It does not necessarily takes the audiences attention away from the rest, because grey is a dull colour, especially compared with the hand, which has it's normal colours. We posterized the hand as well, but that is less obvious because it has more colours (red nail polish, skin colour, etc).

The information included on the surface is simple, yet effective. It tells you what the band is called, which is very obvious as it is very big and it stands out because it is black on a light grey background. It tells you what it is: an Album, and it tells you what hits it can include. This kind of information is very important. People who like these songs might consider buying the whole album as they don't exactly know what to expect from the whole album but they already know the other songs are good. This in combination with the high rates from the Guardian and AllMusic put pressure on purchasers to buy the album, as it is recommended as a very good CD. The advert also tells you when the album will be available for purchase, so the consumer knows exactly when he/she will be able to buy it.

The next steps were very easy. After finishing the CD-Cover (read about that in the post: CD-Cover Development). We only had to print out the cover, the booklet, put it together, lay it out and take a picture of it. After taking the picture it was necessary to remove the background using Photoshop. After this we only had to put the image into the advert and develop it in a way in which it looked good.

Edited in Photoshop version of the CD-Cover and Booklet

This image of the CD-cover is made using Illustrator. Using Gaussian Blur to the full it has got the effect as if the edges are faded. Unfortunately you can't really see the CD-cover anymore even though the effect is looks very good. The way to solve this problem is to put the CD-Cover on top of this image but without the blur:

'Final Advert Design'

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