We thought about making a music video showing a house party or a club. Then again, we thought this would be a bit cliche because dance/electronic music is always linked in with these kind of activities. Other ideas that passed our minds were a Street Scene and Ballroom Dancing. Both those ideas didn't feel right. It didn't take long before we thought of exercising in a gym. Some lines of the lyrics fitted perfectly with this idea, such as 'It's all 'bout membership' and 'While they are shaking their belts'.
Click on the image to enlarge it.
There was only one slight problem: How would we be able to get into a real gym and shoot our music video there with permission (as we wouldn't think we could get permission). Our school, Reed's school, provides enough facilities to shoot our video there. Permission is easy to get as it is for a compulsory project and we can take our time, and come and go as often as we need, incase of re-shots or when we have to do things differently.
Performers are easily accessable aswell. There are about 500-600 pupils in this school so we can ask a couple of our friends and maybe some people from outside school wether they want to take part in our video.
We would preferably use friends as they would be keen to help us in any way. The main character is supposed to be a skinny man, that is what the video is all about. Therefore we are forced to look at friends/people that are on the skinny side. To put emphasis on the skinny guy we need several muscly men as well, which is the opposite of the skinny guy. Preferably people with wide shoulders and muscly arms, because that is easy to show. A Six pack isn't required as we don't expect people to appear half 'naked' in our music video. We also need some pretty girls.
For the dance class section we need people from all ages etc. We could mix some pupils with parents. We could ask them to bring in some glasses for the nerdy look, with a red pen or felt-tip we can draw some zits on peoples faces, because we don't want to have people in our music video with real acne (as we would find that a bit harsh because we don't want to make fun of them).
Main character:
Paris Mudan as Thin man
People in dance class:
Ollie Stokes
Andy Billman
Simon Baker
Chris Trotman
Nick Hayes
Molly Botelho
Elisabeth Harris
Pretty Girls
Elisabeth Harris
Hannah Stout
Helen Major
Bethany Leslie
Security Guard:
Rik Bogers
Strong Guys:
Harry Curtis
George Crabb
Ben Talaga
Fraser Branon
James Rutter
People houseparty:
Rik Bogers
Harry Curtis
George Crabb
Ben Talaga
Fraser Branon
James Rutter
Simon Baker
Chris Trotman
Andy Billman
Paris Mudan
Ollie Stokes
Elisabeth Harris
Hannah Stout
Helen Major
Bethany Leslie
Molly Botelho
For our CD cover and magazine we would like to take some images from the music video and use Photoshop, Illustrator and maybe InDesign to make it look authentic. Matt has done Photography for his AS year. Alicia finished her AS year Graphics and is carrying on with Graphics for A2 at the moment. Both skills are required to make perfect advertisements and outstanding CD covers. Alicia mainly feels that you need to have the basic (which in our case are the images of the video clip) and the rest comes later in the process. 'I feel that the best work exists out of experimenting and developing your work, which means you can't say beforehand what it will look like or what you are exactly going to do'.

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