'Life' in a nightclub
We chose this song due to dance music’s large popularity with our target audience, which have the age demographic (15-24). This means we will be producing for a mass audience (a very large group) rather than a niche audience (a more specific and smaller group).
Justice's music appeals to everyone, their genre of music arised from disco music, which at first was more popular with the African American homosexuals. Later on it was picked up by the more predominantly white gay clubs in New York. While evolving into other genres it was eventually picked up by heterosexuals and homosexuals of all ethnicities. We feel that Justices genre of music can be appreciated by both genders because of the nightclub scene promoting these genres of music. Both genders go to nightclubs and therefore are both exposed to their type of music.
These psychographics are based on the National Readership Survey's socio-economic grades:
A: Higher Managerial, administrative or professional - doctors, sollicitors.
B: Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional - bank managers, teachers.
C1: Supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional - 'white collar' office and bank staff.
C2: Skilled manual workers - plumbers, builders.
D: Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers.
E: Casual labourers, unemployed, on state benefits.
However, there are problems with these categories especially because of our age demographic (target audience 15-24). From this survey it is difficult to see how much money people make or spend. This means that the 15-24 age demographic will find it hard to be categorised into one of these groups because not many 15-24 year olds are employed full-time so they would automatically classed as group E. We feel that Justice's music isn't aimed at this group E and feel that the music is aimed at group C1-E as we experience that most 15-24 year olds fall into these class bounderies.
The 4Cs: Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation
Resigned | Rigid, strict, authoritarian and chauvinist values, oriented to the past and to Resigned roles. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. (Older). |
Struggler | Alienated, Struggler, disorganised – with few resources apart from physical/mechanical skills (e.g. car repair). Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Brand choice involves impact and sensation. |
Mainstreamer | Domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental, passive, habitual. Part of the mass, favouring big well-known value for money ‘family’ brands. Almost invariably the largest 4Cs group. |
Aspirer | Materialistic, acquisitive, affiliative, oriented to extrinsics… image, appearance, charisma, persona and fashion. Attractive packaging more important than quality of contents. (Younger, clerical/sales type occupation) |
Succeeder | Strong goal orientation, confidence, work ethic, organisation… Support status quo, stability. Brand choice based on reward, prestige – the very best. Also attracted to ‘caring’ and protective brands… Stress relief. (Top management). |
Explorer | Energy – autonomy, experience, challenge, new frontiers. Brand choice highlights difference, sensation, adventure, indulgence and instant effect – the first to try new brands. (Younger – student) |
Reformer | Freedom from restriction, personal growth, social awareness, value for time, independent judgement, tolerance of complexity, anti-materialistic but intolerant of bad taste. Curious and enquiring, support growth of new product categories. Select brands for intrinsic quality, favouring natural simplicity, small is beautiful.(Highier education) |
We hope that they can enjoy the music just as much as the video clip we want to create.
Most instruments used within this genre are mimicked, which means no traditional instruments are used and the sound is synthetic. This gives the DJ a large option of sound mixes, which he can have at his/her disposal.
Dance music can be linked to many other ‘electrical’ genres as well as disco from the 70’s, these include techno, house, trance, electro, breakbeat, drum and bass. All these genres promote dancing.

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